Wow, great post! From what I see outside of being aware/knowledgeable, is the convenience factor. It's harder to use something that's less sexy, a tad slower, or not where EVERYONE already is (such as Whatsapp or Snapchat). If people really knew what's being given up, I do think the script can flip. It's just how can we educate and raise awareness? How do we beat the "but it's so convenient" or the notorious "but I have nothing to hide." Really? So if a stranger walked up to you and knew EVERYTHING about you, you wouldn't mind? What if 50 did that?

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Thanks for reading! I agree. As convenient as it is made to give our data away it seems that it the ways to hold on to it are lacking. I will be writing a new post on one of my favorite new software that conveniently creates identities and remembers them for you. One step in the direction of convenient privacy. Stay tuned!

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